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2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Mangler


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Fri 17th Jun 19:03
Crossword rated  Good
I think these types of maps must be difficult to design, as there's many possibilities to what bonuses you can establish, and how they connect to each other.

In this regard, the map does good job. It has some good smallish sections to get the ball rolling, and some good choke points. I'm not totally blown away by this one's balance, but it can still be a lot of fun.
#23 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 05:09
Dnaleri rated  Great
Small and simple. this board is great for quick games. Has all of the good stuff a bout the standard board, with some different borders to mix it up.

Much like any smaller, low-unit board though, luck can have a much larger influence on how the game goes. Stakes like that make victory sweeter, and defeat that much more bitter. gotta have a few boards where you can have huge luck swings and blame your dice. this is a great board for either.

#22 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 05:00
Hordes of China rated  Average
The look is great, i enjoy the barbarian nations on the outskirts to allow for some more strategic attacking.

these games can kinda reach stalemates though with the small unit counts and ability to only stack a limited amount of units on each space. in turn based games, this can lead to alot of luck needing to be on your side.

for simulgear games though, it's much better. then it depends more on trying to attack your opponent where you think they're not expecting it. one of the few boards that can actually be wrapped up quicker in simulgear fashion vs. turn based.
#21 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:54
Mobs of New York rated  Perfect
One of the best boards out there. Great bonus spread, and lots of way to mod the board for interesting play. Try it blind-at-once (or SimulGear, i suppose) with 4-6 players and fog. That's what I'm talking about.

Anyway you slice it though, this board is great for small groups, and can end up in some pretty epic struggles. it looks good and has some great devices like the airports and borough bonuses to keep games popping.

Mad love for this board, I've had many a fantastic game on it.
#20 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:49
GearStorm rated  Good
The look of this board is nice, but everything else is pretty average. Bonus structure and strategic unit placement are pretty straight forward. Get a small bonus if you can, then stack on choke points to secure it, and hope people don't break through.

I don't want to oversimplify too much though, as many boards are like this. Having the ability for everyone to choose at once adds just the right amount of "where aren't my enemies going to pick" mentality to make this board much more interesting.
#19 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:42
Neverland rated  Great
I like the look, and the dynamics of the board. small unit count start and hordes style can make you want to play aggressively, and allowing the jumping around of attack and fortification makes it interesting.

it can reach the point of back and forth running around with a single army to break up bonuses though, until cards get large enough to do some damage. a little set up tweaking can take care of this, but with small army fortification type boards like this, luck can be a much larger influence than strategy.

It's still up to you to decide if you're feeling lucky, though.
#18 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:34
Capitalism rated  Good
Great design, but if the first two turns don't go in your favor, it becomes a long grind of just taking turns and waiting to be taken out due to limited moves you can make per turn.

when you gotta a shot at victory though, it's exhilarating.
#17 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:31
PipeDream rated  Average
A beautiful looking map, but the gameplay really hinges on lucky starting position. If you start off near the shorter pipes, you can secure enough bonus to take the longer ones, and then you can really start stacking on the defensive bonus places, and then no one can break your bonuses.

If there was a way to sub-divide the larger pipes into smaller bonuses with continent bonuses of having the whole thing, it might even out the starting position disadvantage. i think the concept of this board is really solid though.
#16 of 23
Fri 17th Jun 04:27
Civil War 1860 rated  Perfect
Perfect bonuses, perfect choke points, loads of strategy. I really love this map.
#15 of 23
Thu 10th Feb 22:49
Assassin rated  Good
Great concept for a board, I think it can only be played appropriately with fog. It has the great feature of an added bonus between colored guns and assassins, so it's almost worth it to go for those if you can.

As with many games of fog, you kinda have to luck out and hope no one is going for what you are, but at least with this map, there are many directions you can go.
#14 of 23
Thu 10th Feb 17:24
EVE Universe rated  Good
A solid map. Don't expect to get many bonuses, but it incorporates well into the gameplay. This is a great one for teams as having other people to plot with in creating eliminations, which as has been stated already, is key for this board. Has a solid, easy to understand look and layout.
#13 of 23
Thu 10th Feb 17:20
Escalation rated  Good
This board favors the bold, as it feels like there are no defensive positions where someone can't get above you and pillage your stack with stacked dice. It makes for quick games.

It's fun because of that, but you can't put too many players on this board. If there's more than 6 or so, the people toward the end of the line have to luck out to have any chance.

The design is good, but does require alot of focusing to see exactly what paths you can take to end up with the advantage. That's not necessarily a bad thing though
#12 of 23
Wed 9th Feb 23:09
Micro Mission rated  Great
I am digging this board. I like the smallness, and that mentality of wondering whether you should attack or not because you can go through your units real quick in the pursuit of just getting a card that turn. Quick and fun to play with a couple people.
#11 of 23
Wed 9th Feb 23:06
Australian Risk rated  Good
This is a fun, solid board. Having an Australia attached to every continent makes for some dynamics of grabbing some small bonuses anywhere you have the units, while finding someplace to establish.The games I've played mostly come down to cards, but this a great board for games between 4-6 people.
#10 of 23
Sat 5th Feb 21:19
Arm Wrestle rated  Great
So much more strategy to this board than meets the eye. I've played and thought i was ready to go over the top, but come back to my next turn completely devastated. A great quick 2 person game.
#9 of 23
Sat 5th Feb 21:17
Antastic! rated  Perfect
I've been on warfish and wargear for a couple years now, and i've always had at least a couple of games going on in this board in one form or another. With my short attention span, that is a testament to a great board.

This board is a classic at this point,and for me, always fun. It does work better for larger groups, but is very versatile for all types of play. Teams, fog, whatever. The bonuses are balanced, and you can have epic battles over choke-points.

I look forward to many more exciting games from this board.
#8 of 23
Sat 5th Feb 21:10
The RiskyVerse rated  Great
First off I like the look of the board. Easy to understand, easy on the eyes, and the bonuses are well-distributed.

This board has grown on me after a few plays. All the games I've played on the board have 5 armies for every planet you have, which I like. The bonuses and cards don't do a whole lot for you, so using all the 5's you have right off the bat can make or break the game for you, or you can hang back and hope your defense does the work for you.

A fun board! Nice job, risky!

#7 of 23
Wed 1st Sep 18:43
World War rated  Good
Looks good, has a good amount of territories, well-laid out. A good alternative to a simpler world map.
#6 of 23
Wed 1st Sep 18:41
WarGear 2210 rated  Superb
An excellent board. Having the Moon and various other pathways expands the gameplay, but doesn't muddle it too much. More chokepoints to defend, and well distributed bonuses. A good one to have fog on, but probably not meant for more than 6 players.
#5 of 23
Wed 25th Aug 18:35
The Maze rated  Great
I like maze boards and this one works out pretty well. Smaller and larger bonuses are spread out, with some strategic chokepoints. Good for a smaller group of people, and fog definitely makes it a different game.
#4 of 23
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